Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
Welcome to Year 3
Willow Class | Teacher: Mrs Gauntlett and Mrs Kelly TAs: Mrs O'Donnell |
P.E. Days
Indoor P.E. - Wednesday
Outdoor P.E. - Friday
Please come to school wearing your P.E. kit - white t-shirt, black bottoms and trainers.
Summer Term
Our topic this term is all about journeys and the great outdoors - 'Where will my wellies take me?'
We will be learning all about rivers and the water cycle in Geography lessons.
We have started looking at the beautiful book 'Journey' by Aaron Becker, which is what all our literacy will be based on this term. It is unusual because it doesn't have any words!
Spring Term
Our topic for this term is 'Ancient Egypt'. We have lots of questions that we want to find the answers to, like "Why did the Egyptians have mummies?" "How were the pyramids built?" and "What clothes did they wear?"
As part of our Ancient Egyptian topic, we learnt about the mummification process. We had a go at mummifying some poor unsuspecting Barbie dolls!
We had a go at these steps:
Step 1: Clean the body and remove the brain through the nose
Step 2: Remove the organs and place in canopic jars
Step 3: Sprinkle with salt to dry the body out and spices
Step 4: Wrap the body in linen bandages
Step 5: Place in a sarcophagus with special possessions
The Iron Man
Our book this term is 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. We think we also may have been visited at FVP by the iron giant himself! People working on the building site spotted a huge metal figure heading towards the school early on the morning of Thursday 22nd February. The did this drawing to show what they saw...
Willow Class wrote a description of what happened:
Each year FVP takes part in a science fair project and one pair from each year group is chosen to go to the science fair. This year the theme was based on 'Engineers'. We learnt about the different types of engineers and the important jobs they have. Willow Class decided to take part in a project called 'Beat the Flood'. We learnt about all the places around the world that flood and the devastation that floods cause. After thinking carefully about which materials would be the most waterproof, we built our own prototype houses and then tested them to see if they were flood proof!
Autumn Term
Our topic for the Autumn term was 'The Stone Age to Iron Age'!
Our D.T. project was to make a stocking Christmas decoration. It gave us a chance to practice our sewing!
We enjoyed performing different Christmas poems!
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE