Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
We have been learning all about the Romans. In Art we designed and made our own Roma shields. We chose our army colours and names. Eucalyptus chose blue and yellow. They were Legion VIII (8). Magnolia chose red and yellow, and were called Legion IX (9).
We explored various battle formations and we acted them out. We practiced 'The Tortoise' formation, 'The Wedge' and 'The Triple Line.'
It really was a lot of fun!
Science - Electricity
We began our learning by exploring how to make a simple circuit where a bulb lights up. We were given the equipment and we had to investigate with our partners. Next we explored circuits using buzzers, motors and switches. Then we moved onto adding a switch to our circuits. We also made our own switches. Finally, in Term 3, we explored what materials are conductors of electricity, and which materials are insulators.
Anti-Bullying Week - 13.11.23: PSHE - Online Safety
This week we began with odd socks day to celebrate that we are all unique and all deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.
We reminded ourselves that bullying is not a one off action, it is 'hurting someone on purpose, over and over again'. We discussed that this includes name calling, spreading rumours, physically hurting, threatening behaviour, as well as online bullying. We talked about our feelings from a bullies point of view, from the person being bullied as well as being a witness to bullying. What can we do? - MAKE A NOISE and don't stay silent - tell a trusted adult. Together we can make a stand.
Online Bullying - PSHE - We have been discussing how people show their feelings through facial expressions and body language. Can you guess the children's feelings?
Last week we chose from three questions, what we would like to investigate.
- Which type of paper airplane flies the furthest?
- Does the contents of a can affect how far it will roll?
- How many times will a ball bounce in 5 seconds?
We were then put into groups based on the question we chose. We worked together to decide how we would carry out our investigation, what equipment we would need and how we would record our results.
This week we carried out our investigation. Take a look below....
Free Art: This term we have been using our imaginations to create our art. After being given a theme, we created our own artwork.
Themes: Seasons, a line from our class poem, a verb.
Have a look at some of our amazing pieces of work.
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE