Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
Computing Resources and Activities
Here are some great activities you can explore, investigate and play with that are suitable for all children in our school. There are also some great resources like posters and information leaflets that explain some of the computing concepts that children learn such as algorithm, coding, programming, and debugging. We introduce these terms in Key Stage 1 and encourage children to use the computing vocabulary in their own work.
Some of the resources are free apps which you can download onto iPads, Android or Google devices; whilst others, like the Barefoot Computing Mini-Missions do not require a computer at all and look at developing skills and understanding of computational concepts.
Have fun exploring computing!
Developing IT skills like typing, data handling, computer art and more
In school we subscribe to the Purple Mash website which gives the children the tools to develop their typing and word processing skills, create pictographs and charts, create their own artwork and so much more. Every child has their own log in details which have been sent home so that they can access these tools to create their own work and home learning projects. You can access the Purple Mash website by clicking on the link below:
Fun Apps for Programming
All of these apps are free and have been used in school to support the teaching of programming. You do not need access to the Blue-Bot robots to access the Blue-Bot app as you can just program the Blue-Bot on the screen around a map grid when you click on Explore Mode or Challenge Mode, just like the Bee-Bot in the Bee-Bot app. Links have been provided so that you can access the iPad or Google Play versions depending on which device you have available at home.
Barefoot Computing - Online Games
Barefoot Computing - mini missions and activities that do not use a computer
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE