Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
Our vision is to nurture a passion for Art in all our children, encouraging them to explore, engage and represent their interpretation of the world around them having been inspired by artists, artistic movements and designers.
From the Art Leader:
Hello, I am Mrs Kelly, the Art co-ordinator at Folly View Primary School. I am passionate about leading and developing Art in our school and wish for all our children to leave us with the knowledge and confidence that they are an artist. Art does not have a set of guidelines that state how we as individuals should see, feel or experience the world, and it is our role as adults to support our children in gaining the confidence to explore colour, texture, form, pattern, material and tools to build their creative journey, making mistakes along the way and evaluating shared ideas for moving skills on. I also believe it is important to recognise the growing research that proves Art and Creativity have the power to benefit children’s mental well-being, in particular, sustained art participation is proven to create engaging, socially active citizens who will go on to make a significant difference to the world and the people within it.
Art Policy:
Our Art policy is a guide that explains how we teach Art at Folly View Primary School. It outlines our goals for children’s learning, the methods we use in art lessons, and how we make art engaging and accessible for everyone. The policy helps ensure that every child has a consistent, high-quality art learning experience, with opportunities to explore, experiment, and build their understanding of the world.
At Folly View Primary School, we recognise that Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity, and is therefore a vital part of children’s education by stimulating curiosity, creativity and imagination. We aim to provide a high-quality art and design education that engages, inspires and challenges children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Through our curriculum, we believe that our children should learn to think critically, which links firmly with our learning muscles, values and self-reflection aims, as young learners. We believe that Art provides visual, tactile, and sensory experiences, together with a special way of understanding and responding to the world around us. We use the indoor and outside environment to help our exploration of art around us, and to enable children of all abilities to communicate what they see, feel, and think through the use of line, tone, texture, colour, pattern, shape and sculpture (3D form).
We continually develop the children’s experiences in art to explore ideas and meanings through sequences of lessons that are challenging and inspiring, whilst following the National Curriculum. Our lessons value the time required to observe, experiment, express and review our work and the work of others. We enjoy exploring the work of a range of recognised artists from the past and present, in order to reflect upon how art and design have shaped our history, culture, and the creativity of our nation.
The skills and knowledge that children will develop throughout each art topic are mapped across each year group and throughout the school to ensure progression. Art takes place weekly and is collected together at the end of a block to capture the skills, experiences, and progress covered during this time.
Where possible, each unit of work aims to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to:
Impact - Learning in Action
During our first session in Art Club we explored the ‘bleeding tissue’ technique. We tore pieces of tissue paper, placed them on a piece of white paper and then wet the tissue paper with a paint brush. After it had dried, the colour from the tissue paper had ‘bled’ and we were left with our own unique coloured paper! We used week 2 to draw our portraits on our paper and decorate our frames.
We explored pointillism - the application of paint in carefully placed dots of unmixed colour. We used cotton buds to do this! We created our own pictures and used black pens to create our frames.
Our last piece of art was creating a sunset and silhouette scene. The photographs are self explanatory! We had great fun!
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE