Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
Tips, Tricks and Strategies to Support Reading and Writing
We have put the posters we use to remind children of the strategies we use when decoding and reading unfamiliar words or segmenting for spelling words we are unsure how to write. These are available as picture images as shown below and as PDF files which you can download.
What do Phoneme, Grapheme, Digraph, Trigraph and Split Digraph mean?
Phonics Sound Mats, Common Exception Word Mats and Sound Buttons Guide
You can download copies of phonics sound mats and common exception word mats to support the recognition and spelling of graphemes and words:
Useful Websites for Phonics, Reading and Writing
Lots of the websites below have free content that you do not need a subscription to access - please read the description for each website link to find out more about the free and subscriber based resources.
The school also pays to subscribe the the Bug Club reading book resources on the Active Learn website - each child has been given a username, password and the school code so they can access the books they have been allocated online on the Bug Club website .There are questions and games that they can play related to the texts they have read.
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE