Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
At Folly View Primary School we are delighted that we are now able to offer provision for 2 year olds alongside our existing provision for 3 and 4 year olds.
Our Seedlings Nursery (2 year olds) has spaces for 12 children in each session and our Sunflower Preschool (3 and 4 year olds) has spaces for 26 children in each session (9-12 and 12-3)
Sunflower and Seedlings Classes
Sunflower and Seedlings Classes are part of Folly View Primary School and the majority of the children transfer to one of our two Reception Classes at the end of Sunflower. The Nursery and Preschool are open during term time. Children begin Seedlings the term after their second birthday and Sunflower the term after their third birthday. We have three admission dates throughout the academic year – September, January and March.
The children who attend are eligible for 15 or 30 hours Government funding*. They attend either for a morning session, afternoon session or all day. The children who attend all day, have lunch, as part of their offer. Some children are eligible for free school lunches*. A hot school lunch can be purchased or parents can choose to provide a packed lunch.
Morning Session: 9.00am – 12.00 am
Afternoon Session: 12.00 pm – 3.00 pm
All day including Lunch: 9.00am – 3.00pm
*Please contact the School Office for all enquiries about Nursery and Preschool. You will be sent an information pack and an initial visit, can be arranged.
Sunflower and Seedlings are run by a dedicated, and experienced team of staff members.
We operate the Key Person system and each staff member has a small group of key children. Staff are responsible for settling the children and supporting them continuously, throughout their learning and development. Staff work closely with parents, carers and their key children to ensure that there are warm and positive relationships, with the children and their families. Staff implement regular observations of the children and take photographs of their work and achievements, using the class iPad. We track pupils' progress and development and our data is used to plan and support children’s next steps of learning.
Home School/Partnership
Parents are encouraged to share all relevant information with the Head of School and Pre School and Nursery Managers. They are able to talk to staff at the beginning or end of a session. Parents are kept up to date with school and Pre School news, on a regular basis via school newsletters, the school website, newsletters and our class email. Children’s “Learning Journey” folders are available to view at the end of every term and parents are invited to attend parents’ evening in the Autumn and Spring term. Staff work closely with parents and carers to ensure that the children are settled and happy enabling them to reach their full potential, during their time with us.
We arrange an open evening in the Summer term, for prospective parents of children who will begin Sunflower or Seedlings Class in September. There is an "Information folder" for parents in the cloakroom and all of our Early Years Foundation Stage information is located on the display board in the foundation stage office. The Sunflower class page, on the website, is updated regularly and includes information about the children's learning and experiences.
Children are encouraged to share home/school news and we have regular circle time talks about special family times. Each child has a book-bag and they can choose a book, twice a week. Parents/carers are encouraged to complete their child’s reading record, when a story has been shared at home. Parents are very welcome to visit our setting and spend time with us.
We like to include ideas for activities that can be introduced at home, in our termly newsletter.
In Sunflower and Seedlings we provide high quality care and enriched first hand experiences, for the children . We always consider starting points, based on children’s previous learning experiences, at home and in other settings. Our setting is a safe and secure learning environment and our aim is for the children to achieve their full potential, during their time with us. Our classroom is happy and busy and we support and encourage the children to become confident and autonomous learners, whenever possible. Staff use positive praise and encouragement to inspire the children and we have realistic expectations of individual achievements, progress and behaviour.
The children have access to a beautifully presented classroom, that is rich in provision, with high quality equipment, open-ended resources and captivating display work. We introduce secure routines and the children have a free flow choice to the garden throughout the morning and afternoon session. The indoor and outdoor areas are organise to enable the children to play alone, together, in small and large groups and there are clearly defined areas, to promote each area of learning. The children are able to select a range of activities independently – malleable, sand, water, painting, puzzles, small world imaginary play, construction, small manipulation activities, investigative resources, role play, mark making, maths resources, books, story sacks, IWB, large outdoor equipment, natural materials, balancing equipment, ride on toys and gardening.
We introduce specific adult focused activities in small groups – Maths, SALT interventions, Topic related work ,Carpet time and Art and Craft. We come together as a whole class for PE, Phonics, Music, Dough Disco, and Story Time.
The children have a healthy snack, mid-morning and mid-afternoon and have a cooking/baking group* every Friday morning.
*Termly fee applies
The children are introduced to a curriculum that focuses on the characteristics of effective teaching and learning in Early Years - " Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, Creating and Thinking critically". We provide opportunities for adult led activities and child-initiated learning, that include following children's interests. Each term we introduce a range of engaging and appropriate cross-curricular topics and themes.
We follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage - Development Matters - for the Prime and Specific Areas of Learning and Development.
Prime Areas:
Specific Areas:
We have a dedicated team of staff, who support all the children who attend our setting, including the children with specific needs and children who have Outcome Plans and Education and Health Care Plans. We allocate additional time, resources and 1-1 support for our SEND children, to help them achieve their best. We are very fortunate in having professional guidance from the school’s SENDCo and Pastoral Lead. External agencies and specialist advisors visit regularly and assist staff, in planning and adapting, the curriculum to suit the needs and particular requirements of individual children.
In addition to the day to day provision, the children in our setting enjoy a varied and enriched curriculum. The children are familiar with the Primary School and use the school hall every Wednesday for PE. We are extremely lucky to have a wonderful outdoor area that can be used for our end of term Teddy Bears’ picnic and Sports day. We participate in whole school theme days and special themed weeks and have a range of outings, visits and visitors. We have a Christmas Nativity Play and Christmas Party and celebrate all religions, beliefs and traditions, throughout the Academic year.
Updated Feb 23
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE