Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
Geography Curriculum Intent
Geography is the study of the world and everything in it, encompassing both physical and human aspects of life on our planet. Through Geography teaching at Folly View Primary School, we aim to introduce new ideas and concepts that extend beyond the current experience of our children, including exposure to wider vocabulary which promotes early language development. Geography is an investigative subject and at our school we capitalise on this to stimulate the natural inquisitiveness of our children in order to develop their interest in the local environment, the wider world and all its peoples. Using meaningful first hand experiences such as field trips and ‘Wow’ days, we aspire to ignite in our children a lifelong curiosity and fascination for our world.
Geography is introduced initially by understanding our local community and environment. This locational knowledge is then extended both nationally and globally. Through use of maps, atlases and globes, children develop a basic awareness of different countries and continents and the varying climates around the world. By examining human and physical features, they are able to compare and contrast their own environments and cultures with those of other places. This process permits growth of observational skills and the ability to analyse maps and aerial photographs. Field work undertaken in a variety of environments allows development of positional and directional language, and underpins a sense of orientation supporting creative map making.
Our studies in Geography enable our children to develop a sense of personal identity through an understanding of their place within the wider world. We aim to engender spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness so that children are able to appreciate their personal influence in relation to their surrounding environment. At Folly View Primary School we use learning muscles to foster productive learning behaviours, enabling development of Geographical knowledge and skills that are transferable to later learning.
Geography Curriculum Implementation
At Folly View Primary, Geography is considered as a cross curricular topic, which is revealed via the medium of themed topics taught termly. The topics are carefully considered by the teaching teams to provide an integrated learning experience, wherein knowledge and understanding gained in one subject area, seamlessly link to another.
All lessons are built upon previous knowledge, following the well accepted notion that teaching is most efficient when building from the known to the unknown. From learning about their familiar environment in Nursery, to exploring countries of the World, the children expand their knowledge and understanding of the wider world and its peoples, incrementally.
Studying Geography provides children with opportunities not only to learn more about the world and its peoples, but to enhance their Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development.
Discovering the natural features and phenomena of the world provides children with a sense of awe and wonder for the remarkable planet we live on. Reflecting on our place in this unique world stimulates spiritual awareness and promotes moral discussion regarding the impact of human society and our actions on this wonderful planet. Exploring diverse cultures across the globe helps children to reflect on their own heritage, identity, values and beliefs. Recognising commonalities and differences across various societies engenders understanding and respect, and stimulates moral debate around cultural tradition. In addition to the benefits of developing an understanding of geography and the world in a classroom environment, fieldwork provides a first-hand experience of current society, its local geography, and future considerations. Practical activities and fieldwork also enhance development of interpersonal skills through collaborative teamwork.
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE