Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
At Folly View Primary, the maths curriculum is rooted in practical experiences to ensure a solid sense of early number and maths. We recognise the importance of developing children’s understanding and use of mathematical vocabulary and language and this plays an integral role in our mathematics curriculum across the school. We want all children to enjoy Mathematics and to experience success in the subject.
From the Children
"I love to learn about numbers everyday" - Aria, Year 1
"I like multiplication because it is fun" - Carolina, Year 2
"I enjoy the questions because I like a challenge" - Lauren, Year 3
"I like learning my times tables" - Lucas, Year 3
"We learn new methods so we can work things out" - Logan, Year 4
"I like that we all work together" - Isabelle, Year 4
"The songs, methods and teachers help me learn in Maths" - Noah, Year 4
Maths Curriculum Policy
Our Maths Curriculum Policy explains how we use the three important concepts in education, Intent, Implementation and Impact to enhance our Mathematical learning.
Long Term Plan
The long term plan outlines the sequence of Maths topics and skills to be taught within each year group and aligns with the National Curriculum. It ensures children progressively build upon their Mathematical knowledge and skills throughout their learning journey.
Maths Curriculum Overview
The Maths curriculum overview provides an outline of the progression of skills children will cover throughout the year in each topic and year group. These are linked to the National Curriculum. The overviews link to the Long Term Plans.
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE