Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
After our success last week with enormous turnip soup, this week we are going to create an amazing rainbow soup!
Monday - Look at the bottles of incredible ingredients that we have collected.
They look amazing, but what could they be? Be as creative as you can to think of where each colour may have come from. Yellow could be the yolk from and egg or crushed petals of a daffodil. Green could be freshly cut grass or slime from a frog! Record your ideas for each using the colour chart provided. Focus on your phonics and letter formations when writing.
Tuesday – Today we will think carefully about all the brilliant ingredient ideas we collected yesterday and select our best one for each colour. Before you record your favourites, take time to explore ideas for the measure of each. For example, if you want to add blue sea water, it could be measured in drops, spoons, cups, jugs, buckets etc. Other measures could be handfuls, dollops, squirts, etc. Use sentences to record your ingredients
E.g. Five squirts of tropical blue sea water. (capital letters, good phonics and full stops).
Select the recording paper that suits your child best.
Wednesday - Today we will use our learning from last week to write our best sentences for ‘what to do’, or the method section.
As you decide the order to add each ingredient think about including:
Numbering each instruction, starting each on a new line, time conjunctions (first, next etc), interesting verbs (use: add, pour, sprinkle rather than put put put), details about the noun (eg with a wooden spoon/ into a large glass bowl). Remember sentence features of capital letters, good phonics, spaces and full stops.
Always allow time after writing to reread and check your work is the best it can be.
Thursday- Today we will complete our instructions by writing the handy tips or what to remember section. What do you think will be important to let the reader know? This could be linked to the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow! Or a magical aspect. Or how to eat the soup or store it. Check that your idea makes sense before you write your idea and then check for capitals and full stops.
Friday - Our instructions for soup have been fantastic, but we are now going to use this to help plan a magical spell!
A spell is a bit different from a soup as the ingredients can be very unusual! And a spell is not to enjoy eating, but to cause a reaction! Share some ideas such as make someone shrink, turn them into an animal etc.
What ingredients can you think of for a spell?
2 slippery fish eyes!
1 long thin tail of a rat.
3 tears from a princess.
See picture cards for ideas but I bet you have super thoughts too.
Draw and label what you might use in a spell on your recording sheet. Apply your best phonics labels.
Have fun and be creative!
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE