Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
Computing at Folly View Primary School
Computing Vision
For children to be confident, creative, flexible and responsible in their use of information technology to communicate, share, organise and produce their own digital content including multimedia, digital texts, programming and organising data. Children will understand the positives and pitfalls of information technology and make safe healthy choices about when it is and isn’t appropriate to use information technology.
From the Children
"I really like learning with Computing with ScratchJr because we had to program the kitten to move around and tell a story. It was amazing!" - Year 1 Child.
"I loved Computing Club because we could design our own characters that we created and we could program them on ScratchJr to make them move around." - Year 1 Child.
"I liked doing the typing in Year 2 because we had a go at finding the key quicker each time and the number of keys I typed got better and better on 2Type." - Year 2 Child.
"We learnt how to program a Blue-Bot to move around a map of the Great Fire of London and we had to tell it instructions so that it could get around the map without bumping into the fire obstacles." - Year 2 Child.
"We learn a lot about online safety in school and about online bullying which is also called cyber-bullying and keeping our passwords and personal information safe so one can get it. We also learnt how to make invitation for a space party by logging into Purple Mash and adding images by searching in Clip Art for space pictures and typing text. Computing is great because we get to use the Chrome Books." - Year 3 Child.
From the Computing Subject Leader
Hi - I'm Miss Cossey and I am the Computing Subject Leader at Folly View Primary School. Children often see me supporting staff and children with the use of computers and technology around school, and sharing my interest in helping others feel capable when using technology and digital devices. I strongly believe that as our world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, it is important for the children at Folly View Primary School to become adaptable, flexible and able to use technology to safely communicate, entertain, organise information, research and be creative. Computing is a subject that can link to so many others - whether it is creating stories linked to English work through typing our own digital texts or animations made by programming on ScratchJr, or using art and paint programs to create artwork in the style of artists such as David Hockney who has created many works of art on his iPad. By the time children leave Folly View Primary School, children will have the confidence to use the internet safely to share their learning and ideas with others and understand the importance of sharing any concerns with trusted grown-ups.
Computing Policy
Our Computing policy is a guide that explains how we teach Computing at Folly View Primary School. It outlines our goals for children's learning, the methods we use in Computing lessons, and how we make Computing engaging, cross-curricular and accessible for everyone. The policy helps ensure that every child has a consistent. high-quality Computing learning experience.
At Folly View Primary, the Computing Curriculum is designed to give pupils opportunities to experience using technology in a variety of ways to enable them to become confident, digital citizens and learners. We use technology to enable pupils to develop their language skills, introducing them to new vocabulary such as algorithms, debugging and programming. The development of early language is an important focus in computing to enable pupils to be empowered and communicate confidently when they are concerned about something when using technology.
The Computing Curriculum at Folly View Primary places the personal and social development of all pupils at its heart as children learn about e-safety so that they use technology to communicate with others safely, responsibly, and respectfully.
The Computing Curriculum strongly supports the use and development of all the children’s Learning Muscles at Folly View Primary – whether it is persevering and not giving up like Raj the Robot when debugging and solving a problem when programming or using our imagination like Daisy Dinosaur to be creative.
Our Computing Curriculum is taught through fun, engaging topics and themes, focusing on developing interchangeable skills that can be applied and developed further in the constant changing world of technology, so they are not limited but can adapt to new technology advances.
Progression in Computing and Online Safety
The Computing and Online Safety Progression Overviews provide an outline of the knowledge and skills children will cover in each topic and year group. These are linked to the National Curriculum. The overview links to the Long Term Plan for Computing.
Computing Long Term Plan
The long term plan outlines the sequence of Computing topics and skills to be taught within each year group and aligns with the National Curriculum. It ensures children progressively build upon their scientific knowledge and skills throughout their learning journey within Computing.
National Curriculum for Computing and Education for a Connected World
Our learning objectives for our Computing Curriculum Map are taken from National Curriculum for England - Computing in Key Stages 1 and 2 which can be found below. We have also included the Education for a Connect World framework by the UK Council for Internet Safety (UKCIS) which our online safety scheme of work by National Online Safety is based on. Both of these documents also highlight the progression knowledge, skills and understanding as children progress beyond our school.
Impact - Learning in Action
The aim is not solely to give children the knowledge they need to succeed now, but for them to ready to move onto the next stages of their education. Children are engaged, challenged and show enjoyment in their learning of Computing. The impact of this is demonstrated in a variety of ways including displays, children's work, pupil voice, observations and photos.
Take a look at some of the things we get up to in Computing below:
Year 1
Here are some of the examples of digital painting that children have created in the style of the following famous artworks: Piet Mondrian's Composition with Red Blue and Yellow, Wassily Kandinsky's Circles and Henri Matisse's Snail. The children created the artwork using 2Paint on Purple Mash.
Year 2
Here are some examples of the digital writing texts Year 2 children have created. The children learnt how to type using the keyboard on the Chrome Books, including how to hold the shift key and press the letter at the same time to capitalise it. We learnt how to edit our writing using the backspace key to delete what we had previously written. We also learnt how to change the font style, colour and size of our digital texts.
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE