Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
PE - This Friday we are a super sports day. You can join in at home by having a go at any of the activities below.
- If you have a Hula-Hoop ... have some hula-hooping fun at home. How long can you Hula for?
- If you have a garden, can you walk or run laps. How many can you do in a minute?
- You could find a Jo Wicks workout to do.
Geography - This week we will be learning about human features (made by humans), and physical features (naturally there) of Mexico. Use the PowerPoint to look at and identify these. There is a sheet that you can use to record which features are human and which are physical.
Art - We have been looking at self-portraits. Last week children practiced drawing the features of a face - eyes, nose and mouth. This week they will be looking into a mirror and drawing their own self-portraits. Use the PowerPoint to help you draw a self-portrait. You can use the sheet provided or simply draw onto a plain piece of paper.
ICT - This week in ICT we are collecting data using a tally chart ready for our learning next week. Can you text/call your family and friends to find out what pets they have and record onto the sheet. Your grown up will need to help you text/call your family and friends.
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE