Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
We have been looking at symmetry and lines of symmetry. Here we are investigating how many lines of symmetry we can find using our mirrors.
We made torches as part of our electrical systems this term. We had to use our skills learned in Science to help us make a circuit with a switch. Some bits were extremely fiddly and we came across a few hurdles, but we tried our best to problem solve and end up with a working torch.
As part of the topic Animals including Humans we have been learning about the digestive process. Our investigation involved crushing some biscuits like our teeth and mixing with a little water (saliva). This was then poured into tights (down the oesophagus) to the stomach. We then added some orange juice to represent acid in the stomach. We squished some more. We squeezed out the water - this showed us the job of the large intestines. We pushed what was left to the bottom of the tights (rectum), snipped a hole and squeezed out the contents (faeces). Take a look below!
Create Day: In Year 4 we are taking part in The Royal Opera House Create Day. On the 2nd of July we will join thousands of children and the Royal Opera House artists for a fun day of live lessons ending in a performance of contemporary song and dance celebrating the UN Rights of the Child. Each week, for 6 weeks, we will have a lesson working towards this day. These lessons involve dance, singing and design. Below are some pictures showing children moving to music and mirroring moves.
Practicing our Netball skills with Mrs Walker.
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE