Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
Term 2 - Building Britain
Click on the 'Topic Overview' below to find out what the children in Year 2 will be learning this term. We will also add photos from some of our learning each week.
Week 4 - History Fantastic Finish
This term in History, we have been learning all about The Great Fire of London. We learnt how it started, why it spread, and what impact it had on London in 1666. We talked about how we know about the Great Fire and discussed how it has impacted our lives today. Did you know that because of the Great Fire we now have a Fire Brigade?
To celebrate the end of our topic, some of the wonderful crew from Faringdon Fire Station came to teach us all about fire safety! They showed us their equipment including the enormous fire engine, and taught us ways to prevent a fire and what to do if there was one. We now know to shout FIRE FIRE FIRE! if we see one at home, and to make sure we remind our grown ups to check the smoke alarms in the house every week! Check out some photos of our super fun morning!
Week 3 - Science and DT
This term, Year 2 children will be completing a combined Science and DT project to create a bridge using paper. As part of Science this week, the children investigated the strength of different types of paper by adding weights to sheets provided. They then explored how to make the paper stronger by adding layers. Check out the photos from our experiments below. As you can see, we were pretty impressed with how strong paper can be!
Week 2 - World Science Day!
This week, the whole school celebrated World Science Day! In year 2, we discussed what is meant by a scientist and looked at different jobs in the field of Science. We learnt about famous scientists including Sir Isaac Newton, and learnt about his discoveries. We then investigated gravity by dropping different objects to the ground and observing what happened to them. We discussed how gravity makes all things fall to the ground, but the size, shape, weight and material of an object can affect the way it falls. Check out some photos from our experiments below.
Week 1 - making 10 and testing road surfaces
We've had a busy first week back in Year 2 and got hands on in lots of subjects! In maths we used counters to help make 10 when adding, and in Science we learnt all about John McAdam, the inventor of tarmac. We 'test drove' cars over different surfaces and discussed the suitability of each material. We discovered how McAdam's invention was created for a purpose and how it makes driving easier today. Check out some photos from our week below.
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE