Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
Schools receive PE and sport premium funding based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6. The funding is designed to improve the provision of PE and sports in primary schools.
On this page you will find details of how much funding we have received for this academic year and a full breakdown of how we’ve spent the funding or plan to spend the funding. You will also find details of the effect of the premium on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment and information about how we’ll make sure these improvements are sustainable for the longer term.
Sports Premium at Folly View Primary School
Our vision is to help and encourage every child to develop a love of sporting and physical activities and to understand the importance of being active and how this contributes to our health and well-being. In addition, we believe that an exciting, varied PE curriculum, combined with extra-curricular opportunities, can help to promote other valuable learning attitudes such as cooperation, having a go, not giving up and a drive to succeed. Our aim is to increase teachers’ confidence in delivering high quality PE, broaden the sporting opportunities and experiences available to pupils and to improve health and fitness.
We have planned our PE spending carefully to ensure that it has been spent to maximum effect. This has meant making informed decisions about our spending. Please see funding spending document below.
The provision of sports coaches for curriculum time and after school clubs will be reviewed periodically, changed where necessary and continued wherever possible.
A variety of sporting and physical opportunities provide a range of experiences and expertise for adults and children alike which can be pursued further if they remain interested.
This provision gives the opportunity to try a physical activity that may not be ordinarily experienced in school life. Children and adults experience activities they may wish to take up in the future.
Fun, physical activities help children to develop their levels of fitness and encourage them to be active which we hope will be sustained in the future.
Children are supported to have positive experiences of sport, competition and physical activity which will continue as they grow older.
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE