Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
This week we will still be looking at the story 'Wild'. We will be following a similar style of learning as we did last week in order to create a piece of narrative writing. However, this week we will be making some changes to the story in order to create a new story about 'Wild'.
Please follow each day below. The link for the story 'Wild' has also been added for you to share with your child.
Monday: Share the story 'Wild' with your child. Explain to them that this week they will be writing the story for Wild again, however they will be making some changes. They will be authors, writing a new story for Wild. It will only be a little bit different. In school children will be changing the three animals that teach her to do things. What are the three animals in the story? What do they teach her? What new animals could teach her to do those things? Remember she lives in the forest/woods so you need to think about what animals might live there. Today children will be drawing a story map for their new story.
This can be done on a plain piece of paper. Below are some examples of what a story map looks like for other stories. Remember when you draw your story map to change the animals that teach Wild.
If your child comes back to school this week, please send them with their completed English work as this will help them with the rest of their learning in school.
Tuesday: Look at your story map from yesterday. What animals did you choose. Can you re-tell the story using your story map? Just like last week we need to 'box up' our story to help us when we write our stories. Remember our story will have a beginning, middle - this is where there is a problem and a solution, and an ending. Use the 'boxing up' map below (or draw out onto paper) to 'box up' your new story. In section one, you will draw pictures or write words (not sentences) for the beginning of the story. Section 2 will be what your new animals taught Wild. e.g. First - squirrel - talk. Section 3 will be when she saw strange animals in the forest. Section 4 will show that they did everything wrong. Section 5 will be the solution where Wild leaves. Section 6 shows Wild happy again in the forest.
Wednesday: WALT write the beginning of our story. Look at your 'boxing up' map. Can you re-tell your story using the words you have written or pictures you have drawn. You will need some paper and a pencil. Today you will use section 1 to write full sentences for the beginning of your story. Then use section 2 to write sentences for what the animals taught her. Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. See if you can use adjectives to describe your new animals. e.g. First the noisy squirrel taught her how to speak.
Thursday: WALT to write the middle part of our story. Read what you have written so far. Now you will write the next part. This will be about the problem in the story when the new animals appear and take her to their home. Use section 3 and 4 to continue writing your story.
Friday: WALT write the end of our story. Read your story so far. Now you will write the next part. This will include how the problem is solved and when she is happy back in the forest. Use sections 5 and 6 to finish writing your story. Once finished you can check your writing makes sense and that you have included capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. You can use a different coloured pen to edit your work.
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE