Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.
On this page you will find the details of our school’s pupil premium grant allocation amount for this academic year and a summary of the main barriers to educational achievement currently faced by eligible pupils at the school. You will also find details of how we’ll spend the pupil premium to address those barriers and the reasons for that approach, as well as details of how we’ll measure the impact of the pupil premium and the date of the next review of the school’s pupil premium strategy.
For the previous year, you will also find details of how we spent the pupil premium allocation and the impact of the expenditure on eligible and other pupils.
Pupil Premium at Folly View Primary School
Our vision is for every child to become the best that they can and to develop the skills, attitudes and confidence to be an active citizen in an ever-changing world. We are determined to ensure that our children are given every chance to realise their full potential. We have high aspirations and ambitions for all our children and we believe that no child should be left behind.
Our Approach
Through targeted teaching and interventions we are working to eliminate barriers to learning and progress; we therefore make informed decisions about our spending to ensure that this is achieved.
We have established clear lines of responsibility with a member of the Senior Leadership Team and a link governor taking responsibility for Pupil Premium. From September 2023 this will be our Assistant Headteacher, Mrs H Cox and our governor is Hazel Meckler.
We have planned our spending carefully to ensure that it has been spent to maximum effect. This has meant making informed decisions about our spending.
We :
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE