Contact Details
- 01367 240655
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE
Folly View
Primary School
Friday 18th February
Good morning Holly, Pine and Rowan Class! We hope you all stay safe in the storm and have a lovely half term break!
Storm Eunice
Due to the unusual weather we are set to experience today, let’s try and make a simple stormy day poem.
Spend some time looking out of the window and note down some of the things you see or hear being affected such as: trees, gates, cars, bins, clouds, animals etc
Think about a movement or sound to go with them and record your phrases on the windy day paper, eg
Lashing rain.
Running animals.
Slamming doors.
Be as creative as you can and add an illustration to complete your work.
Have fun but most importantly stay safe today.
WALT (We are learning to): Partition numbers to 50 into tens and ones.
Click on the video link below, then find the 'Place Value (within 50)' block - under Spring Term and click it. Find and watch the 'Tens and Ones' video, then complete the sheet below.
Foundation Subjects - Art
Many of you have seen the posters up around the school advertising the 'Draw a Dog' Competition. As we have such a stormy day today that means it is tricky to do things outside, why not have a go at doing some art, drawing dogs. To find out more watch the video below from Mrs Gidlow explaining the competiton. Remember this is for a competition so be as creative as you can be and don't forget to try your best!
If Mums and Dads want more information you can go to the following website:
Preston Place, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7XE